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Parent Participation

We are a 100% volunteer run organization, which means that we cannot make scouting happen without parental/guardian/family member involvement. In order to provide the highest level of scouting programming, we must limit the number of youth scouts based on the number of scout leaders and volunteers. For each scout section (Chipmunks/Otters, Timberwolves, Pathfinders), the troop must have 2 Scout Leaders per section. Other Admin roles make our scouting experience run smoothly. Please consider volunteering. Roles include:​


Scout Leaders

Engage directly with the children (background checks are required)

Sign-up to become a Rover and receive training

Plan and implement what the troop learns


Membership Admin 

Collect members paperwork

Enter members into national database

Ensure that all scouting volunteers have filled out background checks


Media Manager

Maintain private Facebook page with current members

Update Google contacts and Evite with new members

Update membership handouts

Send communication emails to group

Maintain website

Answer emails

Advertise meet & greet events


Events Manager

Plan, schedule and book hikes, community service events, campouts, field trips, meet & greet events, etc.

Create event invitations on Evite, post on Facebook, and email group



Maintain patch inventory

Order uniforms and other supplies


Campout Meal Coordinator

Plan and/or delegate meals for campouts

Buy and/or delegate food purchase, firewood

Help facilitate the execution of the meals at campout



Collect and deposit membership payments

Keep track of all expenses and reimburse leaders

Maintain Paypal account

Pay yearly fees for website, domain name, OSG charter, VA SCC, IRS


Fundraising Coordinator

Investigate, reach out and secure funding opportunities for current scouts and financially insecure families


Scouting Skills Mentor

If you have a scouting background, we would love for you to share ideas with our leaders to implement

Point person for badge work

Monthly Zoom call for badge work check in/scout questions


Please Contact Us for more information.


Scouts Law

  • A Scout’s honor is to be trusted.

  • A Scout is loyal.

  • A Scout’s duty is to be useful and to help others.

  • A Scout is a friend to all, and a sibling to every other Scout, no matter to what country, class, or creed the other may belong.

  • A Scout is courteous.

  • A Scout is kind to animals.

  • A Scout obeys orders.

  • A Scout smiles and whistles under all difficulties.

  • A Scout is thrifty.

  • A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed.


Support Traditional Scouting with your 
tax-deductible donation.




All funds collected will directly serve our efforts to bring traditional, inclusive scouting to anyone in our community. 

Your contribution is greatly appreciated.

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